The effect Technology has had on society

Exploratory Essay Purpose: To continue problematizing, synthesizing, summarizing, analyzing, etc. To learn to see sources as participants in a larger conversation. To focus on letting sources speak to each other. To reaffirm the importance of open-minded exploration in scholarship. Format: 12 pt., Times New Roman font. 1 inch margins. Put your last name and a pg. number in the upper-left corner and center a title. Include a separate works cited pg. with alphabetized entries for each cited source. Double space your text. Exploratory Essay Outline: I. Introduction A. What’s the issue? B. What’s the cognitive dissonance? C. What’s your specific question? How do we fix this dissonance? II. First concept / first source A. Your first attempt at answering this question. B. Consider starting with the first source / best source from your proposal. C. Analyze, synthesize, and summarize this source. D. Respond to the source or concept: How does it answer your question? Is it enough? Why or why not? What does the source miss? What does it add? What’s the next step? E. Transition to your next source. III. Second concept / second source A. Why did you choose this source? B. How does this source add to your previous one? What does it miss? What’s the next step? Are these two sources / concepts enough to solve your problem? Why or why not? C. Transition IV. Third concept / third source . . . A. Continue the pattern until you hit at least 5 sources and your three concepts / approaches V. Conclusion A. Where do we end up? What’s the next step? Did you prove your argument by conversing with your sources? Why or why not? Notes: 1. Feel free to explore concepts rather than sources, but remember to keep an open mind. 2. Feel free to use a semi-formal voice, first person POV, personal narratives, etc.