“Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Hispanics and African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes.”  

Prepare a 10-12-page research paper. The project will be a secondary data analysis of the original research “Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Hispanics and African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes.”

Identify a topic

From the original data base select two variables (Vit D and tryglycerides)


Conduct your library search

Find scholarly research based publications that provide information surrounding your topic. Look for relevant literature on the topic (research published in the last 10 years, peer-reviewed material, only original research articles) in order to analyze what exists and which are the gaps in literature. When you find a useful source, look at its “Reference” page as you may find additional resources that will be useful for your literature review


Organize your information.

Keep your sources organized in a file so you have immediate access to them when you start to write your paper. As you read, take notes and develop an outline of points you want to include in each section. Be sure to save your work along the way to avoid the risk of losing it.


Write your research paper.Top of Form

Bottom of Form


Your work should include the following items:

  • Title page
    • Title that reflects the content focus of the study (independent and dependent variables), the population, and the research approach.
    • Your name
    • Your affiliation
  • Introduction/literature review (3 Pages)
    • Current status of the topic (definitions, statistics(CDC/Census), etc.) going from the broad scenario to the very specific.
    • Background on your independent and dependent variables and how they are related in other populations
    • Justify your population. Why is important to conduct this research in your population?
    • Justify your location. Why is important to conduct this research in South Florida?
    • Group studies with positive results, describe them and explain the results
    • Group studies with negative results, describe them and explain the results
    • Compare and contrast studies with positive and negative results. Explain why they have conflicting results.
    • Explain how your study is going to help clarify the conflict
    • Research problem
    • Purpose of your study
    • Hypotheses
  • Methodology
    • Population: explain how subjects were recruited, consent obtained, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample size
    • Demographics: how was demographic data collected?
    • Laboratory analysis: how was blood collected and analyzed for each test?
    • Statistical analysis: explain how the data was organized, what groups were compared and described, which test were used, software used, significance level (α).
  • Results
    • Present results in tables or graphs
    • Assign proper statistical parameters (p-values, sample size, means, standard deviations, etc.)
    • Assign a title and number to each table and graph
  • Discussion
    • Explain your results using the literature review
    • Compare and contrast your results to similar studies
    • If your results are unexpected, explain why
    • Limitations
    • Strengths
    • Implications for practice
  • Conclusion
    • Is your hypothesis accepted or rejected?
    • Implications for practice
    • suggestions for future research
  • References
    • A complete list of references (6 citations), formatted in APA style, listing the sources you cited. Term Project must meet the following criteria: