Elements of a Control System and the Minority Equity Participation Plan

For this paper, I have to apply the Elements of a Control System discussed in Chapter 8 of the Finkler, et al. textbook the Minority Equity Participation Plan discussed in “The Portside Plan” case study by Leigh and Blakely. Please explain how a person would employ a performance audit to address the issues posed at the end of the case study. Explain if a nexus exists between downtown development and the proposed development fee OR are the fees anti-development? Also, consider how a performance audit might investigate whether the plan violates City of Richmond v. J.A. Crossen Co.For this paper, I have to apply the Elements of a Control System discussed in Chapter 8 of the Finkler, et al. textbook the Minority Equity Participation Plan discussed in “The Portside Plan” case study by Leigh and Blakely. Please explain how a person would employ a performance audit to address the issues posed at the end of the case study. Explain if a nexus exists between downtown development and the proposed development fee OR are the fees anti-development? Also, consider how a performance audit might investigate whether the plan violates City of Richmond v. J.A. Crossen Co.