Employer monitoring employee’s use of Computers, Emails, and Phones in the workplace.

Choose any particular COMPANY or ORGANIZATION that is struggling with this issues (written in the topic area).
You will recommend a solution to the problem identified in your analytical report.
Your recommended solution should include:
• a brief summary of the problem and why it must be solved or fixed (in a particular organization of your choice)
• a summary of the investigation and research you have done in order to develop a solution
• your recommended solution

The introduction section of your report must contain your research question, narrowed, focused, and clearly stated; a scope statement (specifying exactly what you are including and excluding); and the purpose of the study – i.e., why it is important. In the introduction also briefly describe your research strategy along with what indexes and databases you searched. Do this in such a way that the reader will feel confident that you are systematically and thoroughly covering all the necessary ground and that your information will be complete and credible. Make sure you list within the sources and methods section those sources that supplied the most meaningful support for your report conclusions.
Use information in Chapter 11 to develop your introduction. Definitions are needed if you are using any important terms in a way the reader won’t immediately understand. As a transition to the report body, give the reader a brief preview of the way your report body will be organized. (Assume some knowledge on the part of the reader; otherwise your report may be too long and too elementary). Review Chapter 11 in the textbook for formatting of your report.
The report body contains the information you found. Use a system of headings and sub- headings and at least one exhibit (visual / graphic. Use in-text references, done according to APA style. An example is (Denton, 2002, p. 46); this in-text note would refer a reader to your “References” page, which must also be done in APA style. See Appendix B on proper APA style documentation and use www.apastyle.org or owl@purdue.com for online references. You can also use the APA web sources referenced on the university library web site.
The conclusion contains a summary of each main section and any inferences you can draw on the basis of the summary. You should have multiple paragraphs in your conclusion. Make sure you answer your research question within your conclusion through use of an overall report- concluding paragraph. Also make sure that you include your recommendations in the conclusion section.