Energy Consumption or production

The United States of America in 2010 stood the second biggest energy consumer posting a Gross total per capita energy consumption of around 316.9 British thermal units (Btu). In comparison to china, the United States was still lagging the Republic of China in per capita energy consumption as China led the world rankings posting approximately 325.3 British thermal units (Btu). This owes to the rise in population in China as compared to the United States over the years comparatively heightening the demand in energy (No Author, 2010).

Comparing the change of power use in the two countries from 1980 through 2010, it can be seen that the United States yes saw some more demand in energy consumption though on a lesser margin as opposed to China in which the demand of energy grew fast and steadily seeing wider growth from 1980 through 2010. This can be related to the industrialization in China that was much realized over the years as opposed to the United States which was much industrialized by the year 1980 as compared to China. In figures the United States in 1980 recorded per capita energy consumption of 343.6 Btu, 321.1 in 1985, 338.5 in 1990 and 316.9 in 2010. Though there was some increase and too decrease, the oscillations were not so significant but of average levels. In China the figures were just going high and high from 1980 as the country was experiencing growth in industrialization and population to (No Author, 2010).



No author, (2010), International Energy Outlook, Government Printing Office.