Enterprise Architecture

My Company Overview:

Specs-Hill is a technology-oriented company that is located within the US and deals with artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and eCommerce. Initially, it was operating only within the US, but recently, the company wanted to expand its operations to the international market. The rapid shift from domestic to multinational corporation demands an upgrade of its information security for the purpose of integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation, and availability.
The need for information security in the Specs-Hill Company
Information security is a critical part of any company. A company has strategies that help it thrive but are held securely. The sensitive information about the Specs-Hill Company needs to be held more secure and out of reach from rivals.

1. Discuss how you can automate Specs-Hill company as well as revamp its information technology (IT) infrastructure.
2. Identify positive and negative aspects of the selected model in relation to the operational health of the organization.

3. Create a complete company profile for Specs-Hill.

4. Evaluate the current enterprise system architecture (ESA) for Specs-Hill.
Develop a course of action based on the resources that ESA supports and are used at Specs-Hill
As a consulting company, you need to discuss how you will automate the
company as well as revamp its enterprise software nervous system. Identify positive and negative
aspects of the selected model in relation to the operational health of an organization. Further
interviews, observation, visiting sites, questionnaires, or surveys may be needed as fact-finding
analysis that will help in the ESA evaluation stage. After fact-finding is complete, the course of
action is designed. Once the design is reported to Specs-Hill then other things such as
price and charge or quotation should be set.
The architecture system has to be evaluated and then demonstrate the availability of the
enterprise software. The company can outsource, design from scratch, buy already existing
software with the code and modify it, or buy off the shelf. The software will run on the listed and
needed hardware discussed the in the next section.

3 References