Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Information Systems (SCIS), and Customs-Trade Partnerships Against Terrorism (C-TPAT).

In the last three weeks we focused on the customer along with procurement and manufacturing strategies, information technology. We then became familiar with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Information Systems (SCIS), and Customs-Trade Partnerships Against Terrorism (C-TPAT). Chapter Six will expose you to operational integration. In this chapter you will be reading about sales and operations planning (S&OP) and forecasting. The first part of this course taught us about the strategic importance of logistics in achieving business success. The supply chain provides the framework in which logistical strategies help to achieve business success. In a 4 page word APA format write a paper giving an overview of the process above up to this point. The focus is the logistical strategies within the supply chain. Please remember sources such as Wikipedia and blogs are not acceptable academic resources. Required: Title page, in-text citations, and reference page and APA format. Text is as below. Use it as one of the references as well. Supply Chain Logistics Management Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, and Bowersox (2013). Supply chain logistics management (4th Ed ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, as one of the references