environmental and scientific methods of creating biofuel from sewage sludge

Please write a thoroughly-researched and well-thought out paper on a contemporary Environmental Issue. The organiazion of this paper should be as follows: 1. Title page/Cover Sheet 2. Abstract 3. Table of content 4. Introduction 5. Methods 6. Discussion 7. Conclusion 8. References 9. Appendices The length of the paper for items 4 through end of 7 should be 5 pages. Minimum number of scientific paper reference cited: 5 You can start by reading the relevant news papers and/or magazines to come up with a topic, then conducting a Google search on the topic and then an in depth library research. Please remember to list every single reference you use and refer to each one in the body of the paper. No reference should be listed without any reference to it in the body of the paper. The conclusion must include your own opinion about the topic. general suggested plan : Sewage treatment is about the removal of contaminants from waste water and one of the results of treatment is the remaining sludge. In order to reduce the by-products of waste water treatment and their effects on environment, there are several methods for turning sludge into fuel. Producing bio-solid fuel as a substitute for coal can reduce greenhouse effects and can offer financial return through the sale of the resultant bio-solid fuel. There are such facilities that are currently applying these methods and creating a more cost-effective way of recycling dewatered sludge instead of disposal. The research topic was chosen after looking through online science and engineering news websites like ( cen.acs.org ) that specializes in contemporary engineering and environmental issues. Further research for scholar articles about the topic showed the availability of such sources. In addition, the idea of benefiting from waste and recycling is important for the environment and such methods should be explored and applied. As previously mentioned, scholar articles regarding production of biofuels from sewage sludge were found through google scholar function and the university library database. Next step of analysis is narrowing down the final sets of sources based on relevance and level of complexity in order to be used in the paper. Focusing on the methods of producing sludge and briefly, due to the lack of extensive sources, discuss the recent additions and research in the field. In conclusion, it is expected that the paper can provide a background on the methods of turning sludge into fuel based on previous research and current applications. In addition, present the challenges and future expectations of applying such methods.