Ethical/legal dilemma faced by a nurse


  The paper is to be based upon an ethical/legal dilemma faced by a nurse. (See grading criteria)   It should clearly describe a scenario (case study) that includes the reason for the ethical dilemma.  This case study must be a documented case study found in the literature.  The scenario should not come from the Burkhardt or Levine textbook.  The ethical dilemma must be clearly stated. The positions of other involved members of the healthcare team should be clearly stated when appropriate.  Cultural implications should be considered.  Options for resolution should be presented and justified.  Legal implications for each possible option must be included.  One option for resolution should be chosen with justification for choice, and probable outcomes identified. The paper is to be typed, using correct APA style, 6th edition, which includes spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.   First person should not be used in this paper.  All sources of information must be documented.  A copy of the grading criteria must accompany the paper.  The paper must have headings used appropriately to organize the paper.  There should be a minimum of two references, and one should come from a nursing journal.