Do Ethics Play a Role in Computer Security

Professionals whose jobs descriptions have been outlines as having an effect in people’s lives most of the time receive training on courses that would help address ethical issues that might pose danger in their profession. Information Technology experts most times have had too much access to individual data that is intended to be confidential. Power to get to personal company and individual information is likely to be abused and therefore ethical definitions should be developed. Ethics in professionalism gets its meaning from social norms that do not impose any cost to individuals and the society at large NATO (Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence 2013).

As Lessig discusses, there are four constraints that should regulate human behavior. Code, which is linked to ethics and morally from the discussion developed by Lessig imposes costs on individuals but at the same time can be treated as economic resources that motivate people to behave in an ethical manner. In this manner therefore we can conclude that ethics has a role to play in Computer Security (Post 2000). This profession is no longer a mere tool but equally a tool that develops significant environmental forces that keep changing our world day after day.

Ethics demands that information technology experts should not abuse the wide access opportunity that they have to view individual and company information. On the other hand, cyber law demands that the field should erase any thresholds existing between simulation and reality. This causes conflict between the state’s duty to protect its citizens and to the right to extend surveillance systems(Student News Daily 2015). In recent post, the American government was accused for invading Chinese Government information and this could have led to physical war that could have endangered the public at the same time increasing the number of casualties. Messing with IT information can lead to a more bloody, surgical and precise violence due to political disagreement.