Ethics and Professionalism in Public Relations

Prepare an essay in which you evaluate this statement:

Public relations has progressed from its early history of manipulative practices to become an ethical profession.

In your essay, there are a number of elements you need to include:

In you opening sentence indicate with a clear statement whether the essay will argue in support of the given statement or oppose it – there is also scope in between, e.g. “This essay will argue that public relations has changed since …. but also acknowledges that some ….” It is strongly advisable that you do not disagree entirely with the statement. Then indicate how the argument in the essay will be presented (what the main points / arguments of the essay will be).

Develop a series of reasons why and to what extent you agree with the statement. Support your argument with evidence (such as direct or indirect quotes) from relevant sources – information from modules; textbooks / course readings; media sources; or primary research such as short interviews with people involved in public relations. As you consult this wider research base, identify what others say about the topic. Do others involved in the field of public relations agree or disagree – and what does this tell us about the validity of the statement? Ensure that you provide in-text references throughout the assignment whenever you use the ideas of another source.

Integration of application
Support your argument further by providing examples, or by applying your points to a small case study, or supporting examples. You can find case study or example type material from textbooks and journal articles including the selected readings from this course. In addition to this you may also wish to refer to material from newspapers (such as media releases and/or advertisements which are produced from a public relations perspective) or television (such as advertisements produced from a public relations perspective).

Conclude the paper by restating your thesis statement, i.e. you point of view as stated in the first sentence of the essay. Then indicate what main points were presented through the paper to support you point of view.

Provide a list (in author-date referencing format) of the materials which formed the research base for your essay.

Attach copies of the example material you have used. If you wish to use television advertisements, provide a summary of each advertisement.

Harvard referencing


Introduction (introduce /mention main points/ supporting subtopics

Conclusion mirrors introduction

body = your supporting points (to support your thesis argument