The Europeans nations attempted to maintain a “balance of power” to avoid a world war but the need to industrialize and imperialize permanently upset the delicate balance leading Europe into total war for the first time in history.

Essay prompt: The Europeans nations attempted to maintain a “balance of power” to avoid a world war but the need to industrialize and imperialize permanently upset the delicate balance leading Europe into total war for the first time in history.

Essay execution: With any source discussions and outside research answer TWO of the FOUR questions in the form of TWO short essays.

Each essay is worth 50 points to total 100 for the 2nd essay.

1. How did the 2nd Industrial Revolution in Europe lead to colonization and imperialism?

2. What were the consequences of Industrialization and colonization in the areas of Africa and India?

3. Liberalism and nationalism were changed by the advent of mass politics. How did the expression of the electorates change political life across Europe?

4. Evaluate the declining relations among the predominant European powers and how nationalism played a role in determining alliances in WWI.

Writing Criteria:

Helpful tips: DO have a solid THESIS for each IN BOLD and only use direct quotes from primary sources!
Include both essays in the same word doc but divide them into two essays with Chicago Style title page, foot/end notes and bibliography each. (they are two different things)
3 to 4 pages EACH, 12 pt, Times Roman, normal margins, double spaced
Use your text book but DO NOT quote from the text…only from Primary and Secondary sources so you will need to do some research.
Upload to Canvas dropbox under Essay 2 BEFORE THE DUE DATE to see your “credibility ” report. Make changes accordingly. You may not under any circumstances submit your paper late or end up with a credibility report higher than 15% and expect a full grade.
Consult the NEW essay guidelines and rubric:
Each short essay should have the following:

Introduction with thesis in bold
At least 3 body paragraphs with a topic sentence, content with relations to the selected essay prompt, evidence, analysis and concluding transitional sentence.
Conclusion that summarizes the selected essay prompt and content of the essay.
3 to 4 direct quotes as supporting evidence in Chicago style citation with footnotes and bib.
Each Essay is worth 50 points: Select two from the choices!

Thesis addresses specific elements that focus on the evaluation of the selected essay prompt that include two or three themes. (5)
Substantiates the thesis with appropriate evidence from the discussions within each main paragraph. (20)
Demonstrates a higher order of thinking, synthesis, analysis and content. (20)
Constructs a proper college level essay with attention to grammar, structure and writing skills.(5)