Evaluate the argument

I’ve provided below guidance for your second paper. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the argument presented by the writers below. Whenever you evaluate someone’s argument, you must follow some necessary criteria before you agree or disagree with the person. In addition, you may agree with some claims the writer makes and disagree with others. The problem is that sometimes readers will say that because they disagree with one claim a person makes, the entire argument is bogus. That’s unfair and problematic because there’s usually something we can agree on, and as far as solving our problems is concerned, we’ve to start with those issues that we agree on before we can move on to more complex disagreements that divide us.

Assignment: Evaluate the argument presented below.

Length: 1500 words

Sources: At least 6, MLA style

Organization of Paper

1) Introduction and thesis: In the introduction, you should tell the reader why is the issue you are writing about an important one. Why should we care about the problem that the writers are analyzing? Provide a brief summary of the writers’ position.

At the end of the introduction, you should provide your position regarding the writers’: Though I agree with X, I disagree with Y.

Avoid using cliched language such as good and bad and important. Be specific about what you agree with and what you disagree with.

2) Next, you should evaluate the writers’ major claims that they use to argue their positon. In order to evaluate, you should first tell us what the claims are and then find evidence to support or challenge those claims.