Evaluating the Arguments in “Here’s How Every Argument Against a Minimum Wage Hike is Bulls**t” by C.A. Pinkham

Please use Evaluating the Arguments in “Here’s How Every Argument Against a Minimum Wage Hike is Bulls**t” by C.A. Pinkham as the title.
Please contain the following three sections as they are equally weighted.
Outline the argument: indicate the conclusion, premises and any implicit premises. Explain whether the premises are dependent (on each other) or independent.
Evaluate the argument: indicate whether the premises are true or false (or if they require further support).
Strengthen the argument: Either come up with additional support that could be used for one of the questionable premises or come up with another independent line of argument in support of the conclusion.

Notes on writing the essay:

Don’t Write an opinion paper — the purpose of this assignment is to outline the author’s argument not to provide your own argument
Start with unnecessary information – “since the beginning of time,” dictionary definitions etc.
Don’t Use rhetorical questions
Don’t Rely too much on confusing third-person language ‘one could say that . . .”
Don’t Use the thesaurus

Keep your prose simple
Plan out your paper before writing
Use the spelling and grammar check on your computer
Stay on topic – biographical information about the author, historical development of a topic etc. isn’t needed

You only need to reference one article. Here’s How Every Argument Against a Minimum Wage Hike is Bulls**t” by C.A. Pinkham
Please don’t use too many quotes. Two or three should be the maximum.
Please include all the arguments C.A. made, all the premises and implicit premises.
Implicit premise means assumed premise. It means a premise that the author expects everyone to know without having to mention it. For example, if I say, shooting someone with a gun is bad because the person you shoot could get hurt. One implicit premise would be hurting people is bad.

I will attach a draft that I did for this essay. Don’t use too many of it tho please. It’s really bad. But keep in mind that my professor has seen and marked the draft. So, please make the essay not completely different from the draft. Don’t over-stress about it tho, if you think completely different is better, that’s still perfect.

Please get it done within 18 hours. If you can do it faster, it would be much appreciated.