Every time President Trump addresses the issue of immigration, he makes reference to “crime,” “MS-13 gangs,” “bad hombres,” and “infestations” of Latino immigrants coming across the border.



  1. Choose one of the topics listed below and write a research paper in which you argue a particular point of view relating to your choice. Will you make a claim of value, claim of fact, or claim of policy?  Check the power point.  The following options provide some presumptions of fact, some claims of value and policy.  You need not agree with anything that is stated or implied below.  Choose one topic from the options below:  


  1. A. Every time President Trump addresses the issue of immigration, he makes reference to “crime,” “MS-13 gangs,” “bad hombres,” and “infestations” of Latino immigrants coming across the border.   Does his language adequately reflect the reality of the border?   President Trump continually tries to connect crime and evil with immigrants, and, most troubling, his tactic is working.   His support remains strong.  Why?  (See Fareed Zakaria’s essay “What’s Really Pushing Politics to the Right?  Immigration”) If you address this topic or any related sub-topics, you must include Timothy Egan’s essay, “Trickle-down Trumpsters and the Debasement of Language”  and/or Fareed Zararia’s essay cited above.   It is located in the Week Five folder with these instructions.

A.1.  If you do not accept the assumptions underlying Topic A and believe that President Trump’s position on this matter is responsible and correct, respond accordingly in your research essay.    You will not be graded on your opinion; you will be graded on how well you support and organize your argument.    (Note:  I have my own position but I will not prejudice your efforts and your grade simply because I disagree with you.



  1. Remember that baseless opinions and tirades come cheap and easy. (Stray dogs in my often bark at shadows!!) In this essay you must base your position on evidence and argue what you believe is a plausible position.   Include the elements of argument that you have read about in your textbook and in the handouts for this course (See chapters 14 – 4) and avoid committing a fallacy.  You will not be graded on the basis of your opinion; you will be graded on the soundness, organization, validity and persuasiveness of your argument.


III. The research paper must contain the following elements:


  1. a clearly defined topic and thesis from one of the above options.
  2. 7-10 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman size 12 font in MLA format with a Works Cited page.  The Works Cited page is not counted as one of the 7-10 pages.
  3. 4-6 (or more) sources from scholarly journals from the library databases (https://www.southtexascollege.edu), or websites (such as .gov .edu, .org, .net sites), or, of course, hard-copy library books.  Wikipedia is not allowed.  As always, sources must be parenthetically cited in MLA format within the text of the paper.    These sources must provide credible evidence in support of your argument.
  4. the counterargument, and/or the reservations and qualifiers (Toulmin).
  5. ethos, pathos, and logos (logical, ethical warrants) where needed.
  6. If the Instructor provides required resources, then class members must incorporate them into the essay.


  1. Deadlines:


  1. The first draft is due on or before ___10/14/18________________
  2. The final draft is due on or before ___10/31/18________________


Five points will be deducted for late submissions.

All final drafts must be filed at Bb.