Utilizing evidence-based research in your practice ensures that your patients receive the most effective care possible.  It is necessary for practitioners to review the research literature and identify therapeutic modalities that have been tested empirically and proven to more effective (as effective, or less effective) than others.  By providing the information below, you will begin to build a library of EBP resources for your practice.

This article addresses which of the following aspects of treatment (indicate):

  • Medication management
  • Psychotherapeutic modality
  • Education
  • Monitoring and follow-up
  • Relapse prevention
  • Other: _________________________________

 Note:  If your article does not easily fit into one of the above categories, read it again to make sure it is an article that guides practice and not a theoretical or informational article.  The article must be practice based in order to receive credit.  

Bibliographic citation (in APA format); attach a copy of the article to your assignment:

Summary of the article in your own words—500 words or less; (do not copy the abstract):

How can the Psych NP incorporate the findings in this article into practice?

How has this article changed your perceptive/view of the treatment discussed?

Did you discuss the findings in this article with your preceptor?  If so, what was their impression and how will it change their practice?

Other comments/observations