It is evident that E.B. Sledge was surrounded in his combat experiences with dead and wounded men. What other factors made the fighting on Peleliu and Okinawa such a hellish and horrible experience for him?

The take-home essay for the course is based on the only required text in addition to the textbook–E. B. Sledge’s With the Old Breed. It is evident that E.B. Sledge was surrounded in his combat experiences with dead and wounded men. What other factors made the fighting on Peleliu and Okinawa such a hellish and horrible experience for him? Respond in the form of a 750-word essay. I expect the essay to be more a matter of summary and synthesis than of interpretation–the book itself presents Sledge’s in interpretation of the war. The assignment allows for paragraphs to be constructed around the statement of general topics with the use of specific details

The marine fight against the imperial Japanese on Peleliu and Okinawa was undoubtedly a hellish and horrible experience for E.B. Sledge. Being a marine, Sledge and his colleagues took an oath to defend the American society and whole race of humanity against autocratic leadership eras (Sledge, 1). The imperial Japanese were the perfect match for the marines out of their autocratic mode of leadership that led to enslaving of innocent people. As it is a character of every dictator, imperialism in this case did not go down without its remorseful and unforgettable loss both to the marines and the local society (Sledge, 2).