How would you expand upon Aristotle’s definition of happiness? How do we measure happiness, individually and socially?

writing style is congruent with an academic college level essay including a clear introduction with context and a thesis; body paragraphs that discuss historical context of the philosopher and/or multiple major points presented by the philosopher’s theory; body paragraphs that discuss a clear explanation of your own ideas on the topic in conjunction to that of the philosopher’s views (where you agree, disagree, your own examples, your own perspectives, or experiences); a clear articulation of reasoning processes, both the reasoning of the philosopher and your own reasoning; a conclusion that ties the main points together into a cohesive ending; clear writing that is free of most grammatical errors; proofread document that is free of most typos; a clear incorporation of secondary source material (research) as textual evidence; a works cited page listing the sources used; MLA format applied. Ideas presented in the paper represent a sophisticated, nuanced, well reasoned and well articulated set of ideas. The reader can follow your points and the reader can observe your reasoning process.