From experience, 3PLs are very helpful when an organization has reached capacity and/or is trying to target a new market. This is where their expertise and capacity come in so handy. Thoughts

1. 1. From experience, 3PLs are very helpful when an organization has reached capacity and/or is trying to target a new market. This is where their expertise and capacity come in so handy. Thoughts? 2. So at what point should one believe that a 3PL is a better choice for a company? 3. Do you see a time in the future where water transportation will be as dominant as road transportation? Discuss 4. Do you have any Narrative hooks in mind for a research paper? What is your method for drawing readers and convincing them that your proposal is a worthwhile pursuit? 5. Which of the three steps that is a proposal, abstract, or introduction in your opinion is the most challenging to write and why? 6. With that success rate a research proposal plays a big role in whether the study takes place or not. Out of the three areas that is the proposal, abstract, or introduction, which one do you think is the most important? Please use Coyle, J.J. Transportation: A supply chain perspective, 7th edition. And Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th edition (University of Nebraska, Lincoln: SAGE Publications. As your references Thank you.? 2. So at what point should one believe that a 3PL is a better choice for a company? 3. Do you see a time in the future where water transportation will be as dominant as road transportation? Discuss 4. Do you have any Narrative hooks in mind for a research paper? What is your method for drawing readers and convincing them that your proposal is a worthwhile pursuit? 5. Which of the three steps that is a proposal, abstract, or introduction in your opinion is the most challenging to write and why? 6. With that success rate a research proposal plays a big role in whether the study takes place or not. Out of the three areas that is the proposal, abstract, or introduction, which one do you think is the most important? Please use Coyle, J.J. Transportation: A supply chain perspective, 7th edition. And Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th edition (University of Nebraska, Lincoln: SAGE Publications. As your references Thank you.