Explain how child directed speech enhances language and cognitive growth (use Piaget’s stages in your discussion.) 2. Provide an example of each characteristic (i.e. modeling, expanding, extending, prompting, eventcasting, and scaffolding)

Language at the sensorimotor (0 to 24 months) and preoperational (2 to 7 years) stages explodes in growth. Vocabulary expands at a fast rate between 18 and 24 months of age. Children begin to say two-word combinations, and by three years of age, sentences are formed. At four years old, most children can carry on a conversation, albeit around four-year old interests, with an adult. When they reach five years of age, most grammatical morphemes are mastered; and, complex sentences and clauses are used. Most pragmatic functions are also used.
The purpose of this Discussion is to understand the Piagetian theories of cognitive and language development in infant, toddler, preschool, and early school, and the five major areas of language: a) Phonology; (b) Morphology; (c) Semantics; (d) Syntax; and, (e) Pragmatics. For this Discussion:
You must use ALL the sources I have provided in the attachments to answer the following prompt questions:
1. Explain how child directed speech enhances language and cognitive growth (use Piaget’s stages in your discussion.)
2. Provide an example of each characteristic (i.e. modeling, expanding, extending, prompting, eventcasting, and scaffolding) you have used with: (a) pet dog or cat; (b) young 12–18-month child; (c) older child of 2–3 years?
3. How can figurative expressions used by adults be difficult for children with language learning disabilities or children who are English learners?