Explain with detail a concept that you learned in this course that significantly shaped or changed a previously held opinion you had on an issue pertaining to American government and politics.

Doing a forum extra credit for POLS201, there is 4 questions i have to answer.

1) Explain with detail a concept that you learned in this course that significantly shaped or changed a previously held opinion you had on an issue pertaining to American government and politics.

Your post must include definitions from the course, at least one historical explanation provided with a detailed analysis of how the event applies, and at least one current event explanation provided with a detailed analysis of how the event applies. If your post does not include all of these items, then you will receive a 0.

2)Please compare and contrast “two-party system” versus “multiparty system.” What type of representation is used for most democracies? Why does a winner-take-all approach facilitate a two-party system in the United States? Who are the two major political parties in the United States? Please don’t forget to define your terms when answering this question in order to receive full credit.

3)What are signing statements? Why are they controversial? Do you agree with their use? If not, what should be done instead of signing statements? You must provide an example of signing statements in your answer to this forum.

4)There are different factors that may affect how a Supreme Court justice crafts his or her decision in a case. Please define and give examples for the following factors of judicial decision making: judicial restraint and judicial activism. Do either of these methods favor a specific political ideology (conservative or liberal)? Please fully explain your reasoning as to why either of these methods may or may not favor a specific ideology.

The attachments is power point from the chapters we covered in class…this is for extra credit…