Explain the different types of reverse logistics as applied to manufacturing, food and beverage operations, inventory management? Do you feel that one type is harder or more complicated than another? Support your position

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NALPpwR8iQA Watch the above video to understand the transformation of a manufacturing company that would diminish environmental impact. Explain the different types of reverse logistics as applied to manufacturing, food and beverage operations, inventory management? Do you feel that one type is harder or more complicated than another? Support your position. 2. Examine the unique ownership issues related to regulated waste. Near my house is a large landfill near Richmond, Virginia. Each day there are flatbed trucks coming off the interstate and making their way to this landfill. These flatbeds are loaded with plastic covered pallets of trash, neatly bundled. They come from the North and the South along the east coast corridor I-95. These tractor trailers seem to arrive about every 15 minutes, all day. The trash pile which is well behind the major suburban artery carrying commuters to and from work each day is hidden, or was hidden by a thick forest. Now there is a visible mountain slow growing beyond the forest. How does this come to pass that trash from other states is ending in this landfill? Who owns the trash if something should be found that is toxic and begins leaking in the ground water of the air? Examine the waste management world. Get a feel for how big it really is. Then address who owns this waste in terms of liability or other social issues that could arise from the residents who live nearby this landfill or a landfill like it. For question 2, use the text below as one of your references Book Title: Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Management Author Woodside, Gayle Publication Info John Wiley & Sons give 2 references for each question