Explain the premise of the bill (what it does, who or what it affects) (this should be about 2 paragraphs long) you can absolutely use another source as well as the bill itself to help with the summary. Just be sure to cite all of the sources you use!

Mandatory Minimum Sentencing  https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/3800/text (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  1. Explain the premise of the bill (what it does, who or what it affects) (this should be about 2 paragraphs long) you can absolutely use another source as well as the bill itself to help with the summary. Just be sure to cite all of the sources you use!
  2. Identify one sponsor of the bill; identify what state and district they are from and their political party. Next, by using one outside source explain why one of the elected officials sponsored the bill.
  3. Whether the bill you have chosen has been passed or not, take a position on it. (this should be about 3-4 paragraphs long and you should be using supporting evidence/outside sources to make your case). Please note, you are required to read the bill itself. The goal of this section is not to just take a position on the issue of the bill but the context/text of the bill itself (and provisions it has proposed etc.).
  4. Locate an executive order that Obama issued. Explain the premise of the executive order and why Obama issued the order. (2 paragraphs again using supporting evidence)
  5. Locate an executive order that Trump has issued. By using one outside source, explain why Trump decided to issue this particular executive order.