Explain why having an understanding of complimentary alternative medicine(CAM) and spirituality is important for members of healthcare teams

Explain why having an understanding of complimentary alternative medicine(CAM) and spirituality is important for members of healthcare teams, examine the ethical,legal,and financial principles related to CAM and spirituality and describe how these forms of healthcare can impact plans of action.
Develop evidence- based health promotion and disease prevention initiatives for diverse and vulnerable( the elderly):Identify topics for an organizational education plan on CAM and spirituality,explain the importance of healthcare professionals developing an understanding of CAM,traditional medicine,holistic health,and spirituality.
Apply basic epidemiology concepts,data analysis methods,tools,and databases to determine the effectiveness of health promotion and disease prevention initiatives for the elderly/ senior citizen:provide a list of resources to include in an organizational education plan on CAM and spirituality.
Examine the ethical, legal, and economic factors related to health disparities in diverse and vulnerable populations( including the elderly) related to CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality.
Apa form, apa references,12pt, times new Roman,with speaker notes.