Explore legal issues applicable to workplace performance reviews, training and development programs, and the employment termination process.

Explore legal issues applicable to workplace performance reviews, training and development programs, and the employment termination process.

Directions: 700 words of content, content total does not include title page and reference page

Read the case entitled Cortez v. Wal-Mart Stores,460 F.3d 1268 (10th Cir. 2006) summary found in Chapter 16, pages 602-604 of your textbook.

  1. Write a paper, incorporating answers to Case Questions 1 through 4 found at the end of the case summary.
  2. What was the legal issue in this case? What did the court decide?
  3. Why does the court conclude that the active “coaching” in Cortez’s file did not render him unqualified for promotion and thus unable to establish a prima facie case?
  4. What was the evidence that Cortez was discriminated against?
  5. How should employers address performance problems? Is it legitimate to limit the employment opportunities available to employees who have been placed on performance improvement programs?


  1. Your written work should include discussion of the situation, responses to the Case Questions, and any other questions that your instructor sends.
  2. Include your description of how the situation should have been handled. Explain the court’s decision in the case. Do you agree? Support your position with additional research and analysis.

Do not rewrite the fact pattern, just highlight any facts you determine are significant and impact your discussions (this should only be a paragraph). You will be graded on your analysis of the situation and how well you support your analysis with both the laws and the facts. Your analysis should be at a high level, meeting all content required in the Assignment presented.