To explore have a press performs its five core functions and I democracy

Answer the following in about 500-words. Include the web address for the story as well as the title, author, date and publication. You may use a different media outlet for each category.

To explore how the press performs its five core functions in a democracy, examine a local or national media outlet (newspaper, website, newscast, etc.) and find at least one example of content that illustrates each of the functions:

Informs, analyzes, interprets and explains
Creates a public conversation
Helps generate social empathy
Encourages accountability
Did you find content that performed multiple functions? Was it more difficult to find examples of some functions than others? Why or why not?

Use three page cites for this chapter to bolster  your answer. Use this form (PAJ, X) to reference the page. PAJ stands for Principles of Journalism, and the X stands for the page number.

Book source to use
Stephanie craft and Charles Davis
principles of American journalism an introduction
second edition