*EXTRA CREDIT*/ Long-Term Care: Mgt Continuum:

Evaluate the following case scenario and cite any sources used:

A resident in your LTC is diagnosed with a terminal illness which his family has decided to treat using medical marijuana (MMJ) as recommended by a medical doctor. Because this scenario has never occurred before at your LTC, the Director of Nursing has asked you to help develop a process in order to include this treatment into his plan of care. You need to determine a course of action for accommodating the family’s request while taking into account the following legal and ethical considerations:

Your LTC is located in the state of Colorado, but is owned and operated by a company located in Ohio.

This resident has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

MMJ is considered a narcotic in the state of Colorado.

All medications at the facility are currently administered by a nurse or a QMAP (qualified medication administration professional).

MMJ is “recommended” and not “prescribed” by an MD.

The patient is diabetic.

The resident’s eldest daughter lives in California and is his health care proxy.

The patient prefers to smoke the MMJ as a part of his lifelong routine.

Your LTC currently does not provide a smoking area and smoking is not allowed in the individual apartments.

The resident has a roommate who is a non-smoker.

The resident lives in a facility which accepts medicaid reimbursement.

Provide a brief, preliminary plan on how you would deal with this circumstance.