Fashion Marketing in a Global Environment

Objective: To examine and analyze the theories and concepts that explain the behavior of international consumers and how Fashion Companies can be successful in marketing to these consumers.

Marketing Issue:
You will take on the role of Marketing for a fashion company of your choice. You and your brand will venture into a new market for that brand. In order to do so, you must perform the necessary research to be sure this venture will be successful. Once all research is complete, you will present your idea and your findings to the CEO of your fashion company (aka, me).

You have chosen a country/region in the beginning of the semester. Having already done the research on that region, you are now deciding to take a fashion brand or accessory from another market into your “emerging” market.

Project Plan:
I. Executive Summary
• After completing all of the other sections, prepare a two-page (maximum length) Executive Summary of the major points and place it at the front of the report. The purpose of an executive summary is to give the reader a brief glance at the critical points of your report. Based on your analysis of the Market what aspects of the culture a reader should know to do business in the country but would not be expected to know or would find different based on his or her home country should be included in this summary. Based on your analysis of the market, what are the major problems and opportunities requiring attention in your marketing mix?
II. The Product
• This is BOTH the product and the brand you are taking into the new market. What is it’s success in it’s current markets? (We will do this research for our Brand and Product Decisions discussion)
 Analysis the company’s current marketing strategy and existing target market. (the questions below are just some guidelines, they do not all need to be answered exactly)
• Who are they talking to?
• What do they tell them? What marketing strategy does your company use to appeal to this target market?
• What are its strengths and weaknesses?
• Who are its major competitors?
• What makes them different?
• How are sales?
• Is your fashion company successful?
III. The Market
• This part builds on the research about your emerging market from the “Setting the Foundation” exercise.
• Would tapping into this market be profitable or could it possibly hurt the reputation your company has gained with its original target market?
• Evaluate the product as an innovation as it is perceived by the intended market.
a. Relative advantage
b. Compatibility
c. Complexity
d. Trialability
e. Observability
• Major problems and resistance to product acceptance based on the preceding evaluation
IV. Marketing Implications
• Now you are familiar with the brand, and the new market, who is the target audience in this new market? Who are your competitors in this market, who is your target audience and how will you reach them?
• Brief competitive Analysis – Compare and contrast your product and the competition’s product(s). Who are your brands competitors in the new market?
o Competitor’s product(s)
 Brand name
 Features
 Package
 Competitor’s prices
 Competitor’s promotion and advertising methods
 Competitor’s distribution channels
• Now for the fun part…How do you reach your customer?
 How do you adapt or standardize your marketing plan to the new audience?
• Suggest marketing strategies that would succeed in the country
o Product
 Adapt or Standardize
o Pricing Strategy
 What is your pricing strategy compared to the US?
o Place/Distribution of the product
 Typical retail outlets
 Internet
o Promotion
 Advertising media usually used to reach your target market(s)
• Adapt or Standardize
 Sales promotions customarily used (sampling, coupons, etc.)
 Types of discounts available