How regulation effect food industry today

The FDA Food Regulation seeks to positively effect the food industry by availing cross-cutting uniform and widespread food code and standards which must be adhered to by food suppliers and players in the food industry. FDA Regulations seek to promote uniform national standards which enhance retail food security by ensuring better compliance and minimal complexity. The FDA regulations closely see to it that the food safety regulations allow it for the current and latest science technologies to be incorporated in the production of food closely regarding the federal laws. The regulation provides a comprehensive detailed approach to food safety management whilst extensively providing training and supporting documents. The regulations bring in a common ground of understanding ad operation between regulators and the industry which leads to mutual growth through better understanding. With such knowledge, the consumers too better understand the expectations of food safety and the ways to achieve it as standardized by the regulations.

How they test the food to approve FDA regulations

The FDA oversees the quality of all substances that are meant to be used as food and closely monitors the labeling claims about the beneficial health values of that food as well as the composition of that food substance. Food substances and drugs that are manufactured must be approved and must pass the check of the FDA Regulations for them to be deemed right for consumption. Any manufacturer must have a certificate from the FDA to ascertain their legitimacy of substance production. Though FDA doesn’t necessarily develop or test drugs, they approve the substances through reviewing the laboratory and clinical results for tests conducted by manufacturers. For approval, the product benefits should substantially outdo the intended use risks.

Key factors of the food industry and how safety is important

The key factors of food industry include: preventive controls, compliance and inspection, safety especially of imported foods stuffs, enhanced and facilitated well informed food partnerships which may include training and sensitization on how to improve food security, and response and recalls among other factors. Food safety is very important for curbing the increase occurrences of food borne diseases and deaths. Food can easily be contaminated of manufactured in ways that turn it harmful for human consumption therefore proper handling and manufacture can help reduce the fatalities and illnesses associated with food poisoning and contamination (Mantus & Pisano, 2014).



David Mantus & Douglas Pisano, (2014), FDA Regulatory Affairs, CRC Press