Feminism in the story Lanval by Marie de France

taking english literature course that requires a thesis-based close reading in depth paper about something we read or discussed in class. I chose feminism shown in the Lais of Marie de France, but ONLY “Lanval,” not the whole Lais. This was a topic of my choosing so i might be the only one talking about this. I want to put in discussions about the “male gaze” and the difference between the fairy queen and Guinevere. I also wanted to talk about the writer Marie de France herself and how she defies gender stereotypes of her time in a way that’s different than modern day. She is able to glorify women’s ability to control men through beauty, intelligence, and grace without having them be strong and manly in a sense. I want to provide a sense of stength in a women’s power and how it is ok that it is different than man’s because even though men idealize and objectify women, in the end, just like the fairy queen, it does not matter. I want to include how guinevere calls lanval a homosexual and how it shows that a man’s weakness is when he cannot have a woman..
I also did write a little bit for reference if you wanted to just looka t it and go off.
“At the time “Lanval” was written, the issues of male-power and feminism were not of great importance or conflict. Women were objectified and idealized to be behave a certain way in order to fulfill their duty as women. What makes Marie de France so different is that she has the ability to take these stereotypes and use them in a way that glorifies women’s ability to control men through beauty and intelligence. It also shows that she is aware of men idealizing women, acknowledges it, and writes to overcome it. ”
it’s very poorly written but gives an idea of what I want.