Film – Analyse in detail and compare representations of femininity and motherhood in Alien (Ridley Scott, 1979) and Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller, 2015).

Long Essay:
Write an essay of 4000 words in response to the following questions: Analyse in detail and compare representations of femininity and motherhood in Alien (Ridley Scott, 1979) and Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller, 2015).

Essays must be formatted in ways you are already familiar with: clear, consistent formatting of film/TV titles, referencing, Bibliography, Filmography, etc. Neatness and readability of presentation, writing and grammar are a priority. Single-spaced essays are NOT acceptable.

Quotations must appear in quotation marks. Failure to fully attribute sources is plagiarism and may result in a mark of zero for your written work. Give sufficient context to understand the quotation. If you quote or refer to other writers in reviews, articles or books (including references to their ideas – whether quoting or not), make this clear with reference notes, produced in the correct manner, including the author’s surname, year of publication, and page numbers where available. We prefer footnotes rather than endnotes.
Include a bibliography with each text fully referenced, including internet sites consulted. Order the texts alphabetically by author’s surname. Give title, year of publication and publisher. Also give a filmography with the names of films which you mention. Your work should be double spaced. Number the pages. Leave margins and space your paragraphs. You should pay special attention to grammar and spelling. Give the full title of the essay as set. Do not add to it with a subtitle. Do not make up your own title. Your essay will be assessed on your ability to answer the question clearly and in some detail (taking into account the word limit). It must show evidence of reading (when relevant) and engagement with such reading, together with the ability to relate ideas and arguments introduced in class and from your sources to aspects of specific films. The essay will also be assessed on your ability to develop an argument by means of an appropriate structure, with clarity of expression and good spelling, grammar and lay-out. You must answer the question as set, but credit will be given for imaginative engagement with ideas and the films you refer to. This is not the same as personal opinion unsupported by argument or evidence. Avoid autobiography.