As such, for your final assignment, it will be your job to compare and contrast two authors as they pertain to one of the following subjects: ” God/the nature of the divine ” Evil, and the source of evil in the world ” Morality ” Happiness or the human good ” Justice or the role of government

Over the course of the semester, we have read a number of different texts that cover several major themes and topics. Of course, no author’s view is identical to another’s, so it is up to us, as readers, to come to our own conclusions about which of the authors we covered have more plausible views. As such, for your final assignment, it will be your job to compare and contrast two authors as they pertain to one of the following subjects:
” God/the nature of the divine
” Evil, and the source of evil in the world
” Morality
” Happiness or the human good
” Justice or the role of government
However, in order to come to a decision about which author makes the better case for their view, you will need to carefully explain what each author believes about your topic. You will have to discuss each author individually, and point to relevant passages from the texts in question where they talk about their views. You will then have to explain, in your own words, what each author means to say in the passages that you quote. You will need to generally explain why the author holds the position that they do, and thus will need to identify their key arguments for reasons for believing their own position.
Once you have discussed both authors, you will need to explain who (in your opinion) gives the better argument for their beliefs. You will need to give reasons as to why you think one author’s position or arguments are more plausible than the others. This answer should take into consideration what both authors say, and should be responsive to their substantive arguments for their own positions.
You will also have to write a clear thesis statement near the beginning of your paper that explains which topic you have selected, which authors you are examining (and briefly what their views are), and why (briefly) you think one author’s views are superior to the others. It should be a roadmap to the rest of the paper.
A paper: An A paper will accurately describe each author that the paper discusses. It will point to relevant passages that help explain what each author believes. The paper will not just quote important passages, but explain what they mean in their own words and why they support the paper’s interpretation of each author. This paper will also contain a clear and concise thesis that explains what the paper will be about and how it comes to the conclusions that it does.
It will also clearly compare and contrast what each author believes. It explains the pertinent points of similarity and difference between each author’s views, and not leave out important passages or points of intersection between the two authors.
Finally, the paper will present a clear explanation of why it holds that one author’s view is more plausible than another’s. It will provide an argument as to why the paper holds the position that it does. It relies on evidence from both authors to support its stance.
B paper: A B paper will correctly describe the view of each author in some ways, but might miss some important aspects of their views or mischaracterize them in places. It will provide some quotes, but may include material that isn’t relevant or fail to unpack the selected passages sufficiently.
This paper compares and contrasts both authors, but may not include all the points of relevant comparison. It also may spend too much time on one author and not enough on another.
Finally, this paper will have some semblance of an argument as to why one author’s view is more plausible than another’s, but it may not do justice to both views, or may be hurried or slightly unclear.
C paper: A C paper will make some attempt to discuss two authors, but it may be cursory or superficial in the treatment of both authors. It will contain few passages, or if it does contain direct quotations, the paper does unpack the quotations in the writer’s own words. It’s analysis of both authors will be muddled and unclear.
It will not adequately compare and contrast the authors it covers, and does not contain strong textual support for the paper’s interpretation of either author.
Finally, the paper’s explanation of why one author makes a more plausible position than another’s will be underdeveloped and muddled. It will potentially give the student’s opinion of who has the better position, but will not provide a substantial argument as to why they hold that opinion.
D paper: A D paper will make minimal effort to discuss either author. It provides almost no passages to support its interpretation of the text, and the passages it does cite are either not relevant or insufficiently unpacked.
This paper will make almost no effort to put the authors in dialogue with one another, and provides almost no argument from the writer as to which author makes the better argument or has a more plausible position.
F paper: An F paper will make no discernable attempt to discuss either author with any substance. It does not refer to any passages from either author, and does not explain what either author’s position is.
This paper does not attempt to put the author’s in dialogue with each other in any relevant way. It does not reference or quote important passages from either author. The paper also does not give any sort of argument as to why it sees one author’s position as more plausible than another’s.