Find an article published less than ten years ago within a peer-reviewed academic journal that concerns Montaigne and discusses fideism.

Find an article published less than ten years ago within a peer-reviewed academic journal that

concerns Montaigne and discusses fideism.

In a wordprocessing document, provide a link if one is available (or .pdf copy); or print it and hand it in at class the next day. Support the claim (provide and discuss evidence) to show that your source is:
1) an academic journal

(2) a peer-reviewed journal
(3) Briefly explain in writing how you discovered the book review article
Also, for a possible A grade: (4) provide evidence of the place of the journal you have referred to in some source that provides analysis or ranking of quality of academic journals for philosophy or religious studies. (Note: I’m not asking that you find a journal that is particularly high in the rankings, I just wish you to show me that it is ranked, and where within the ranking it sits.) (write no more than 100 words for each of 1-4).

To be gently graded based upon 1-3 above (B grade possible) or 1-4 (A grade possible).

This is a “discovery” assignment: I am not providing you much information about what the underlined terms mean. The point is for you to use your own judgment to assess what these terms mean in a context of academic research.