. Find three potential solutions to the problems in which China is facing after signing the agreement.

1. Find three potential solutions to the problems in which China is facing after signing the agreement.

2. The aim of this paper is to present a critical analysis of different options to resolve the issue, suggest why these three solutions might be used to address the issue and most importantly evaluate why it may or may not be successful.

3. The evaluation should suggest some of the conceptual and or political problems associated with trying to implement the solutions and, thus, why you would or would not favour it.

4. It is perfectly fine to take solutions that have already been proposed in political or academic circles and evaluate them, rather than coming up with your own.

5. Whatever solutions considered, they have to be realistic.

6. In the conclusion, don’t think that you have to present *the one* solution, from the three discussed. If none of them are workable, say that. There are some issues that are very complex and problematic and, in turn, require equally complex, multifaceted solutions that go beyond how we are able to understand now. It is perfectly acceptable for you to present this as your finding; no one solution is enough