Find and write down your “Overall Composite Score”, You MUST include this score in your essay reflection! (see additional material for chart)

Step 1: Find and write down your “Overall Composite Score”, You MUST include this score in your essay reflection! (see additional material for chart)
Step 2: Reflection Paper: Write a 350 word self reflection paper addressing the following questions.
a. What was your “Overall Composite Score”?
b. What do the results mean to you?
c. What can you do to improve them?
d. Identify at least 3 areas of wellness in which you need to improve.
e. Paper should follow proper APA or MLA format. Papers are expected to have been proof read and absent of any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.Paper should follow proper APA or MLA format. Papers are expected to have been proof read and absent of any spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.