Foundations of Special Education

This paper is about DIFFERENTIATING INSTRUCTION and should be about 4 pages (APA STYLE).

Follow these directions:

Choose ONE of the following groups:
Students with…

Learning disabilities
Intellectual disabilities
Behavior/emotional disorders
Communication disorders
Hearing loss (specify deaf or hard-of-hearing)
Vision loss (specify blind or low vision)
Physical disabilities
Health impairments (can be a specific health impairment)
Then write a four-page answer to this question:

What would I do to differentiate instruction in my classroom for students with (your choice from above)?

If you will not work as a classroom teacher of students with IEPs (or those who are gifted/talented), write a four-page answer to this question:

How would I recommend that the general education teacher differentiate instruction in his/her classroom for students with (your choice from above)?

Some of the topics you might write about are the teaching strategies, accommodations, curricular adaptations, instructional materials and technologies, assistive technology, and/or behavior intervention you might use with students. Your ideas and recommendations must not be based on your own anecdotes or made up. They should be based on the research and/or your readings. Give your suggestion(s), what it would look like in the classroom and then use the research to back up your suggestion(s). You will have to use the library resources to access at least one journal article. Remember to CITE the sources you use. Using others’ work without citing it is plagiarism.

Topics should NOT include things teachers cannot provide (surgery, hearing aids, wheelchairs, sign language interpreters) and should be specific (suggesting “make accommodations” is not specific enough—what accommodations would you make?)

Additionally, you may find these sources helpful:

Your textbook (reference: Friend, M. (2018). Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals (5th Edition). New York: Pearson.)
The journals and websites listed as Resources on the class site or linked in presentations
The IRIS Center at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Provide a list of 3-5 references on a separate sheet at the end of your paper (APA). References must include at least one professional journal, and also may include books (your textbook is recommended).

References MAY NOT include your class notes, PowerPoints or handouts from class, or websites that have not been previously approved. If you are unsure if your source is acceptable, please contact me.