Freedom to Legal Marriage Policy Analysis

There continues to be debate over same-sex marriage and laws to either favor to dispute the need or legality of it. In this assignment students will investigate the arguments for extending marriage rights to same-sex couples and families. Assignment Details: 1. After reading the text and watching the video: Tying the Knot, look at the following website:, noting the following: a. What benefits do married couples receive in our society? Consider legal, social, and symbolic benefits. b. What are the major arguments given to the legal recognition of same-sex marriage? c. What policies does the state you reside in have regarding same-same marriage? 2. Write a 3-4 page essay summarizing the information you found on the website and highlighted in the video. Be sure to include: a. A historical analysis of changes in marriage and family policy in the United States. b. A summary of what you found from your research on the website. c. A conclusion of your analysis of legal marriage for same-sex committed couples. 3. Essays should be typed, double-spaced, and submitted on D2L.