How does the Frontline Episode “Top Secret America” demonstrate the inherent tension between the competing values of liberty and order? Why are these political values competing, and how is this competition illustrated in the film? Should one particular value “win”? Why or why not?

Answer the following prompt in 2-4 pages.  You must watch the Frontline episode (link below) in order to answer the prompt. Answers should be in essay format (no bulleting or outlining), typed, double-spaced, use 10-12 pt. Font and normal margins. 

Frontline episode. Please watch before answering the prompt:

How does the Frontline Episode “Top Secret America” demonstrate the inherent tension between the competing values of liberty and order? Why are these political values competing, and how is this competition illustrated in the film? Should one particular value “win”? Why or why not? (Be sure to use evidence from the film, class, and readings to support your answer. Failure to properly cite sources will result in an “F” on the assignment.)