Fully describe the action potential. What are the different parts and functions of the neuron? How does the action potential travel throughout the neuron? Which ions are involved in the action potential? What happens when the action potential reaches the end of the neuron? How are the terms reuptake and refractory period related to the action potential?

2. Fully describe the action potential. What are the different parts and functions of the neuron? How does the action potential travel throughout the neuron? Which ions are involved in the action potential? What happens when the action potential reaches the end of the neuron? How are the terms reuptake and refractory period related to the action potential?

3. Fully define each of Pavlov’s five majoring conditioning processes. You will need to provide an example of each of the five processes. Furthermore, when discussing acquisition, you will also need to address related issues, such as in what order are the stimuli presented, how much time elapses between the stimuli, and how predictable is the pairing between the two stimuli.