Future Career Project

The paper is already written I just need someone to go over it and edit it to make sure its free from any errors and to add anything that is needed in order to expand on the questions/answers. It should answer the following questions:
1. Create and describe a possible client/patient/co-worker that you will more than likely work with in your future career. This client is in need of your professional assistance. Describe the problem, situation, or struggle that they are facing and attempting to overcome. Explain where the individual currently stands in terms of motivational readiness. Provide an overview of any mental health state that the individual is dealing with.
2. Describe how you assessed the individual’s needs.
3. Create 3 SMART goals to meet their needs. Make sure all 5 of the criteria are met and described within each goal. How will you assist the individual in meeting these goals? How and when will your check their progress?
4. Describe and apply Prochaska’s stages of change to their situation.
5. Create an original motivational tool for the individual (i.e. Poster, bulletin board, game, reward chart, etc.). Include a copy or picture of this motivational tool in your paper.
6. Explain how/where you worked with your client (ex. Phone, internet, in person) and your professional relationship.
7. Describe the outcome for the client after you have finished working with the individual.
a. What types of reinforcements worked for this individual? Extrinsic or intrinsic?
b. Were their goals obtained? How could they be revised in the future?
c. What motivational tools worked the best with the individual?
d. How could you improve your effectiveness in the future?