GB530-3: Develop strategic marketing plans. Brand Extension Marketing Plan In this module, you will complete and submit an entire Brand Extension Marketing Plan (BEMP) on the behalf of an existing for-profit organization. Using the Marketing Plan guide found in Course Documents, you will put together a comprehensive BEMP. Be sure to review the Sample Marketing Plan (Pegasus Sports International) in Chapter 2 of your Kotler text.

GB530-3: Develop strategic marketing plans.

Brand Extension Marketing Plan

In this module, you will complete and submit an entire Brand Extension Marketing Plan (BEMP) on the behalf of an existing for-profit organization. Using the Marketing Plan guide found in Course Documents, you will put together a comprehensive BEMP. Be sure to review the Sample Marketing Plan (Pegasus Sports International) in Chapter 2 of your Kotler text.

You need to first assume you have the role of a marketing manager for one new (currently not available) product on the behalf of a real, for-profit organization. Consider this a “brand extension.” You are adding a product to an existing company’s product line. This product may be introduced on a local, regional, national, or international scale.

It is very important that you fully comprehend what a brand extension is before you begin your major Assignment. Find “brand extension” in your Kotler text and make certain you understand the definition. Brand extensions fall into two categories: line extension and category extension. Be sure to understand the difference. Reading this section in your text will be extremely helpful to you!

Give careful thought to your selection. Note: You must submit your selected brand extension to your instructor for prior approval. Remember that the proposal is for a new product for a new market. Extend the brand name into a new product offering. In other words, offer a “new to the company” product. Companies may do this by buying an existing product, by importing a new product and putting their own name on it, or by developing their own new product to compete in the market.

Be sure to follow the Brand Extension Marketing Plan directions contained in the guide located in the Course Documents area. It is important to address each and every question/segment in order to receive maximum points. Remember that a fully-executed marketing plan contains a significant amount of detail! You can also find a good Sample Marketing Plan (Pegasus Sports International) in Chapter 2 of your Kotler text.

Be sure to thoroughly address each of the following questions in your Marketing Plan submission along with reviewing the rubric.

Key Questions to Answer:

  • What is the brand name of your for-profit business/organization?
  • What is the new product, not currently in existence, that will generate revenue for which you will prepare a marketing plan and strategy during this class? Give the product a name and briefly describe it.
  • Look up “brand extension” in your Kotler text and describe whether your product is considered a line or a category extension.
  • How will you acquire information to prepare your marketing plan during this class? What research will you undertake? Be specific.
  • Describe the key customer market (i.e., who are you targeting?).
  • Will your new product be marketed domestically or globally? Why?

Once complete with identifying your new product for a new market along with addressing the outlined questions, continue by completing an entire Brand Extension Marketing Plan (BEMP).

1.0 Executive Summary  

In 4–6 paragraphs, summarize your Brand Extension Marketing Plan. Be sure to include:

  • Product
  • Benefits
  • Target markets
  • Customer needs
  • Value proposition
  • Sales projections
  • When you project to break-even
  • Your keys to success

2.0 Situational Analysis

Write a 1-paragraph summary of the current situation

2.1 Market Summary

(write this section after completing 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, and 2.2)

In a 1–2 paragraph summary, address:

  • What are your target customer groups? Why?
  • What are your projections for the growth of this market?

2.1.1 Market Demographics (refer to your Kotler text for helpful definitions/explanations)

  • Carefully define the demographic profile of your target market.
  • In a similar fashion, define the geographic target area you are choosing.
  • What are the behavior factors that will influence your decision-making?
  • Define the values and lifestyles (psychographics) of your target market.

2.1.2 Market Needs (refer to your Kotler text to make certain you understand these terms)

  • What are the benefits that are important to your customer base? What needs do they have?
  • Include both customer needs and the customer value assessment.

2.1.3 Market Trends

  • Identify and explain at least three trends that will influence how your customers view your product these should be trends going on in the industry or the environment; these are trends that your company/product can respond to in some way. Remember: Trends are long term; fads are short term.

2.1.4 Market Growth

  • Is the market growing, static, or diminishing? What are the growth trends?
  • What is the evidence? What research are you using to determine market growth?
  • How will you address the market if it is growing, static, or diminishing?

2.2 SWOT Analysis (refer to Chapter 2 of your Kotler text for a thorough explanation of a SWOT analysis)

2.2.1 Strengths – list and describe at least three positive internal aspects that add value.

2.2.2 Weaknesses – list and describe at least three negative internal aspects that place you at competitive disadvantage.

2.2.3 Opportunities – list and describe at least three opportunities external to your business that will lead to your success.

2.2.4 Threats – list and describe at least three threats external to your business that will threaten your success (e.g., it is common to include unexpected acts of nature, government and regulatory concerns, and competition in this section of the SWOT).

2.3 Competition

  • Describe your competition.
  • Why will customers prefer your product?
  • How will you compete with your competition and win?
  • What is the marketing mix (price, place, promotion, product, you know them as “the 4 P’s of Marketing”) of at least one of your competitors?

2.4 Product Offering

  • What are the current products you offer?
  • How will your new product fit in with existing products?  Is there a good fit between them?

2.5 Keys to Success

  •  List and describe at least three factors that will determine your success.

2.6 Critical Issues

  • How will you leverage your SWOT strengths and opportunities to your advantage?
  • How will you lessen the impact of your SWOT weaknesses and threats?
  • Where is your product in the product life cycle and why? Refer to your Kotler text for a definition of a product life cycle

3.0 Marketing Strategy

3.1 Mission

  • Establish the fundamental goals for the quality of your business/product offering and customer satisfaction.
  • Define your business/product offering.
  • What are your fundamental goals? (Fundamental goals are those that you would like to achieve with your new product, either as an individual product or as part of the overall company mission. These are directional goals that provide the overall strategic direction for management planning.)
  • State the value proposition. Be sure to look up this term in your Kotler text if you don’t fully understand it.

3.2 Marketing Objectives

Include a sentence or two about each of the following:

  • What are your specific marketing objectives?
  • Market share: what is your growth objective by quarter?
  • Market penetration: how do you plan to gain a share in this market?
  • Awareness: how do you plan to gain awareness for your product?
  • Customer acquisition: how do you plan to grow your customer base?
  • Identify a specific, measurable market share and size.
  • Remember that your objectives need to be quantifiable. In other words, objectives need to have a base point, end point, and time frame so you can research to see if you have reached your benchmarks or if your plan needs adjustment.

3.3 Target Markets

(refer to your Kotler text to make sure you fully understand what is meant by target market segments)

  • Identify the specific target market segments you have defined. What are the market niches you hope to capture? Describe.
  • Include the rationale behind why these are the optimal target marketing segments. Be specific.

3.4 Positioning

(refer to your Kotler text for definition of terms in this section)

  • Describe how your product/service meets the need(s) of your target market segments.
  • Describe how you are different from your key competition.
  • What is the most distinguishing feature of your new product?

3.5 Marketing Mix


  • What makes your product different from the competition?
  • What gives your product more value than the competition?


  • How will you determine what price to charge for your product?
  • How will go determine what your product is worth?
  • How will your pricing strategy set you apart from your competition?


  • How do you plan to distribute your product?
  • Do you have alternative delivery methods in mind? If so, describe in detail.
  • Will you take responsibility for distribution, or will you reply on an outside firm? How   will you decide?


  • What kind of promotional tools will you use? Describe in detail.
  • How will you determine what promotional tactics will work best?
  • With a limited promotional budget, how do you plan to gain market share?
  • How will you go about evaluating the results of your promotional campaign?

3.6 Marketing Research

  • What type(s) of marketing research to you think will work best to get you the information you need to make informed decisions?
  • How will you evaluate whether the research is providing you with the results you need?
  • Will you conduct the research yourself, or hire an outside firm? Explain why.

Note: Do not forget that you need research to determine if you reached your Objectives in 3.2.


TIP: Refer to Sample BEMP “Sample Marketing Plan” in Course Documents for assistance. The Financials Section contains some good examples for you to follow. Also refer to your sample marketing plan at the end of Chapter 2.

4.1 Break-Even Analysis  

  • Explain when you will break even.
  • Include a break-even table/chart.
  • Explain the break-even table/chart.

4.2   Sales Forecast

  • Include your sales forecast for the first year by month.
  • For the second and third years, include your forecasts by quarter.
  • Identify the risks you face.
  • Identify the most important components of sales performance.
  • Keep your chart(s) relatively simple and reduce the total number of categories so that your investors can quickly discern the information. Again, refer to the Sample Marketing Plan in Course Documents for assistance on this section.

4.3   Expense Forecast

List your expenses for the following items for the next 3 years:

  • Website
  • Advertising
  • Printed Material
  • Development of retail channel
  • Other (list)

5.0 Controls 

  • How will you monitor expenses/revenue?
  • Identify what methods/reports and how often.
  • How will you assess marketing effectiveness?
  • How will you assess changes in the market environment?

5.2 Marketing Organization  

  • Roles and Relationships in Your Marketing Functions (who will be responsible and who will implement this Brand Extension Marketing Plan?).

5.3 Contingency Planning  

  • Identify risks
  • How you will monitor risks
  • How you will adapt to adversity


  • Be sure to review the Competency Assessment Checklist Rubric in order to understand the criteria on which you will be evaluated.
  • The guide you should use for all Marketing Plan Assignments is in Course Documents.
  • The Kotler & Keller text is extremely helpful to you when completing your Assignments. Be sure to review the Sample Marketing Plan (Pegasus Sports International) in Chapter 2 of your Kotler text.

Minimum Submission Requirements

  • This Assessment should be a Microsoft® Word® (minimum 3900 words) document, in addition to the title and reference pages.
  • Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
  • Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations were appropriate and reference all sources.  Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style found in the Writing Center. The Writing Center can be found within the Academic Support Center under Academic Tools in the left navigation of your course. (It should include a cover sheet, paper is double spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font, correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references at the bottom of the last page.)

If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.