GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation) to the rescue?


On May 25th, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Rule went into effect, and many were hopeful that it would usher in a new degree of commitment to improvements in data privacy throughout the world. In a short essay, describe whether/how the GDPR addresses the data privacy concerns raised by Nissenbaum (1998), and Barrocas & Nissenbaum (2014), as well as other big data privacy concerns you think important. Please be specific about the parts of the GDPR you think offer the protections you mention and, in conclusion, discuss whether or not you think other countries should pursue data privacy legislation of this sort. The essay can be uploaded to Canvas (as a pdf file), or submitted by email, by noon on Monday, April 22nd.

An easily readable copy of the GDPR can be found here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Links to an external site.

This essay will be evaluated based on (in order of importance): a) how clearly the essay presents a main idea or position, and supports it throughout the paper; b) how well the essay shows an understanding of the details of the GDPR, and the articles under discussion; c) how clearly the argument(s) in the paper are presented and supported by references to the GDPR, and the articles under discussion; d) how well each paragraph presents clear ideas and supports those ideas with references, explanations and/or examples; e) how well the paragraphs transition from one to the next; and f) how clear and well-constructed the sentences are, and how varied is their pattern (e.g. simple and complex).