Gender and Sex-typed toys

Please write in this order
First Sentence- Big Picture Sentence about what the study is about.
Purpose of the study (research question): “Do children generally play with their same-sex typed toy?
Previous Research (4 Articles) See attached documents (Please integrate all the study to what I am looking for)
Give a theory ( you can do Socialization theory) (Tell why and how it is fit to the study)
– Hypothesis “Boys will play with same-sex typed toys than girls.Please write in this order
First Sentence- Big Picture Sentence about what the study is about.
Purpose of the study (research question): “Do children generally play with their same-sex typed toy?
Previous Research (4 Articles) See attached documents (Please integrate all the study to what I am looking for)
Give a theory ( you can do Socialization theory) (Tell why and how it is fit to the study)
– Hypothesis “Boys will play with same-sex typed toys than girls.