
What 5 things are your most important possessions (for the purposes of this exercise, only one of them can be an electronic like a phone, computer, or tablet, and anything living, like pets, cannot be counted)? Why are they important to you? Of those possessions, which have you owned for over 5 years? Which will you still own in another 5 years? Thinking about your relationship to things, would you say that you are someone who creates strong attachments to items? Is there a particular type of item that is especially important to you (like you are an early adopter of technology, or committed to particular brands of something, or that you are very fashion conscious)? How do your views on owning things compare with the views of your family and friends? Do you feel that it will be possible for you to obtain the same standard of living that your parents achieved? Why or why not? With respect to material things, how do you think that your life will be similar or different from the lifestyle that you grew up with?

Reading 1:
Reading 2:
Reading 3:
Reading 4: