Give two specific names for the type of symptom that Sophia says caused her to believe she should attack her sister.


Sophia is a 17-year-old girl being admitted to a psychiatric unit. Originally, the police were called to her home when neighbors heard screaming. When they first arrived, Sophia was docile, while her sister and mother were in tears. The sister had bruises near her throat and reported that Sophia attacked her. On questioning Sophia, according to the police report, the officers reporting noted “unusual comments and behavior,” and with her mother in agreement, the police have brought Sophia in for a psychiatric evaluation. Sophia became aggressive and anxious on removal from the home, but once she arrived at the psychiatric unit, she became more docile again, but tearful. She is cooperating with the intake assessment and complains of a voice that made her assault her sister.

Give two specific names for the type of symptom that Sophia says caused her to believe she should attack her sister.
During the intake interview, Sophia sits back and says angrily, “Well. Finally, you have me here. I hope you’re happy.” When the nurse asks Sophia to explain, Sophia expresses the false belief that everyone—including the psychiatric nurse performing intake assessment—is out to get her. When the nurse gently reminds Sophia that they are perfect strangers, Sophia says, “Oh no. You know me. Don’t deny it. You’ve been spying on me, just like the others.” What sort of thought content descriptor will the nurse use to describe this false belief?
Finally, Sophia complains that it is difficult for her to cope with the fact that “everyone can hear every single stupid thought I have, and I’m sick of it. Why can’t you all just mind your own stupid business!” What sort of thought content descriptor will the nurse use to describe this false belief?
The intake supervisor has been observing the assessment and suggests that Sophia be isolated and watched one-on-one. Sophia is calm, but sad now, and she denies suicide ideation. Is it appropriate to place her on one-to-one observation?
Please respond to two other students’ discussion question.