Given the performance of PayPal between 2015 and 2018, in your view, is PayPal better off independent of eBay? Why or Why not?

A professionally presented essay 3,000 words in length (+/- 10%) that answers these questions:



  1. Given the performance of PayPal between 2015 and 2018, in your view, is PayPal better off independent of eBay? Why or Why not?
  2. Given the performance of PayPal between 2015 and 2018, in your view, what have been the successes and failures to implement the “new vision” described in the case.
  3. What do you see as the greatest risk(s) for Dan Schulman in the five years to 2024? Why?
  4. How is(are) the risk(s) identified in C above, different or similar to those described in the case study? Why?
  5. How should PayPal respond to the launch of (choose only one):
    1. Apple Pay & Android Pay
    2. Cryptocurrencies
    3. PSD2 (Revised Payment Services Directive)
    4. B2B Fintech (business to business payments apps)
  6. Considering your answers to C, D, and E above, delineate a plan for the company suggesting how PayPal should confront this challenge. Your response should include a discussion of one of the following:
    1. how can PayPay mitigate fraud and cybercrime for individuals?;
    2. how can PayPal insert itself in the B2B market?;
    3. will the acquisition of iZettle be enough for PayPal increase its presence amongst small business and microfinance institutions – traditionally the most cash-reliant merchants?;
    4. how can PayPal alleviate financial inclusion?




  1. Using concepts and theories introduced during the module, you should have a specific section where you address the conceptual elements/theory that will frame your own analysis. This section will appear right after the introduction
  2. Most of your essay should be devoted to responding E and F above (at least 1,500 words).
    1. Your plan in point F should be realistic and consider, as far as possible, the budget and skill implications of its implementation.
    2. Be specific as to which country(ies) you are analysing.
    3. You will have to support your answers with appropriate research.
    4. As part of your research, you will not to use online dictionaries, Wikipedia, Investopedia, Google books, and any other source of questionable quality. The use of these will be penalised/cap marks.
    5. You can only reference material to which you had full access.
    6. Your conclusion should be at least 500 words long.
  3. Formatting
    1. For professionally presented I expect: coversheet (including your details and wordcount), active use of headings and subheadings, appropriate citations, and referencing, etc.
    1. Use Arial, Font 12, 1.5 or double space throughout.
    2. Be sure to add your estimated word count and place it clearly in the coversheet.
    3. You may cut and paste graphs, tables or figures from the Internet provided you reference the source.
  1. No appendices.
  2. Abstract and list of references do not add to the total wordcount.
  1. If you use an editor or proof reader to help you improve the readability of your essay, the name and contact details of this editor should be included in the coversheet. You should also keep a copy of the draft with your own words before it was sent to the editor.
  2. Referencing and citation
    1. Be sure to support any statement of general nature with evidence or reference to a relevant source.
    1. Citations in the body text not listed in the references as well as bibliographies will be penalised/cap marks.
    2. Additional learning resources could you draw on to help build the criticism include podcast, tv, books, articles, trade press, etc.
    3. We expect for you to use correct referencing throughout. All source material (including websites) should be cited using the author/date convention (also known as Harvard style). See the following links: