You have been given the task of designing a short early childhood program (three learning experiences) that adopt a socially just/anti-bias approach to teaching. You need to choose one area from those addressed this session: gender, sexuality, linguistic diversity, ethnicity or Aboriginality.

ASSESSMENT: Design an early childhood program

Value: 50%

Due Date: 8th October

Length: 2000 words



You have been given the task of designing a short early childhood program (three learning experiences) that adopt a socially just/anti-bias approach to teaching. You need to choose one area from those addressed this session: gender, sexuality, linguistic diversity, ethnicity or Aboriginality. You are not required to implement the program for this assessment.

Pay close attention to issues of pedagogy and be thoughtful about the ways you incorporate the notion of socially just/anti-bias teaching in each learning activity that you build in throughout the short program. It is important to demonstrate how you will encourage children to be critical thinkers around your topic.

The short program [and thus, your assessment] needs to include these tasks:

Topic and rationale
1) Identify the topic you will focus on and give a rationale as to why this topic important for your centre to address (or one you have visited/had a practical experience with – if you are not currently employed in an EC setting). The rationale should include connections to your readings (approx. 250 words).

Resource audit
2) Do an audit in your room for resources that might be encouraging dominant discourses around your chosen topic (eg if your topic is sexuality, you might note resources that represent social norms like heterosexual parents, gender roles, etc.). Make a list of these resources. Then explain how these resources could be used differently to challenge the dominant discourses they currently convey, or what other kinds of resources could be included to show diversity around your topic (approx. 250 words).

Learning experiences
3) Create 3 learning experiences where you continue to disrupt dominant discourses by encouraging
children to think critically about your topic (approx. 1000 words total for the three activities).
•Describe each activity
•Include sample questions you could ask about your topic to encourage children to think differently, or to challenge stereotypes.
•At the end of each activity, include a table that shows how each activity addresses particular outcomes/elements of both the EYLF and NQS in regard to diversity and difference (please see an example of the format for the learning experiences and EYLF/NQS notes in the Resources folder on the subject’s Interact2 site). A minimum of 8 notes in total must be made across the 3 learning activities (300-350 words per learning experience).
•At the end of all three experiences, write one combined justification for the three experiences. This should explain how the experiences encourage children to be critical thinkers and demonstrate a socially just/anti-bias approach to teaching. The justification must include connections to your readings (approx. 250 words).

Professional reflection
4) Write a professional reflection considering your cultural plunge, the main ideas that have been
presented in the subject materials and why it is important we critically reflect on our knowledge/ assumptions /bias/beliefs to become socially just teachers (approx. 250 words).

The entire assessment should use no less than 6 references (from your readings and extra readings if
possible). For the purposes of confidentiality, please do not use a service’s real name when discussing the service philosophy. A pseudonym (a name that you make up for the service) may be used if you wish.



Marking criteria

Your assessment will be graded under the following criteria:

Criterion A) (30%)
The program is thoughtful and realistic in its articulation and includes:
i) a rationale clearly supporting the choice of topic
ii) a thoughtful audit of the centre resources with reference to a chosen topic

Criterion B) (40%)
The activities within the program demonstrate:
i) 3 learning experiences which include relevant and appropriate activities to explore the topic
ii) examples of questions that could be used to prompt children’s critical thinking about the chosen topic

iii) a well articulated justification for the three learning experience that draws upon concepts from subject readings and additional literature.

Criterion C) (20%)
The professional reflection includes:
i) a well articulated discussion that reflects on your plunge experience and the key ideas raised
in the text and modules in light of adopting a socially just approach to teaching.

Criterion D) (10%)
Tertiary level of writing and referencing
• Level of accuracy and control in articulation of ideas.
• Logical and coherent text structure.
• Quality of correct citation and referencing formats.