God Paper

Dear student, My name is Billy Joe Bob. I am kind of on a worldview scavenger hunt, looking for truth wherever I can find it. I was raised in a non-religious home out in the middle of nowhere and I must confess that I know absolutely nothing about the God of the Bible and Christianity. I have heard words like “omnipotence,” “omniscience,” “omnibenevolence,” “Trinity,” and “sovereignty” thrown around before, but it all sounds like another language to me. Could you please clearly explain what the Bible says about who God is? What’s so great about the God of Christianity? Please focus in depth on at least three attributes of God while walking me deeply into specific Bible passages that support those attributes. You don’t need to dumb it down for me. I am not a moron. I am looking for someone to articulate with clarity, depth, and sound biblical interpretation who God is in the Christian worldview. If you use Christian terms, please explain them in a way that an outsider like me can wrap his head around. Thanks! Billy Joe Bob Answer Billy Joe Bob’s letter in no less than 5 full pages in length and no more than 7 full pages. Assessment: Papers will be graded on quality of biblical argumentation, clarity of expressing the gospel to someone beyond the Christian bubble (please avoid “Christianese” unless terms are accessibly defined), and depth of understanding God’s attributes in the Christian worldview. Do not “pad” papers with lengthy Scripture quotations. Verse citations will suffice (e.g., Rom. 8:28-30). ​Due Date: God Papers are due at the beginning of class on April 1st. Attached is a screenshot of the rubric the teacher will be using to grade the paper