The Golden Age of Television

  1. Introduction
    Was Television a reflection of the family life or was family life influencing what was on TV?
    Competition between new york and Hollywood.
    Thesis: Television didn’t just bring the world into the home but took the home out to the world.

  2. Post WWII era
    a) brief history of the invention of TV
    -Lee De Forest and the audion tube
    b)the FCC
    -“One Nation Under Television: The Rise And Decline of                                          Network Television” – J. Fred McDonald
  • New york v. Hollywood competition
    network competition
    b) development of syndication
  1. Pop Culture in America
    a) Reflection of the morals and values people had at the time
    family life and family roles portrayed in media
    – the father’s roles
    – “Man of the House” –  A PBS broadcast
    -women on TV
    – “Independent Women” – A PBS broadcast
    b) Middle class representation & economy
    c) Minorities
  2. Conclusion



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