The Gospels: Who is Jesus and what is the Reign of God?

Fischer & Hart: Chapters 5 & 12; review Ch. 4 (57 – 61); Marinelli: Ch. 4
Bible: Mark Chapters 1-16; Luke Chapters 1-4:14; Matthew Chapters 1-4:17;
John Chapter 1:1-34
WRITE: After reading the assigned materials, write a 2 – 3 page essay on the topic below:

In Chapter 7 of Mark’s gospel, Jesus encounters people who are described as “unclean:” his own disciples, the Syrophoenician woman, and the deaf and mute man. Using reputable sources to support your description, what does it mean to be “unclean” in the Jewish society of Jesus’ time? Who are the “unclean” of our society today? How does Jesus’ response to the unclean in Mark’s gospel inform your own response to the “unclean” of today’s society?

Cite material quoted or paraphrased from Fischer & Hart and/or outside resources to support your argument. Follow the Writing Instructions given above and refer to the resource titled “The Writing Process” (located in the Introduction module of Canvas) for how to write an essay.